Crossroads, Hamlet, Village, Town
Design Characteristics of Traditional Neighborhoods, Old and New

by Randall Arendt

American Planning Association
(Planning Advisory Service), 2005

Book coverIn light of increased recent interest in arranging new development efficiently and attractively in what planners and others have referred to as "traditional neighborhoods", it is surprising that relatively little has been written to provide relevant design guidance to those involved in laying out, regulating, and reviewing proposals for such developments.

This new, highly visual, comprehensive publication addresses the relationship of neighborhood residential and mixed-use site design to the layout of open space, parks, squares, greenways, and greenbelts, filling in the niche between the existing literature on macro concerns (e.g., zoning) and that on micro issues (such as architectural design) in such developments.

Extensively illustrated with over 160 photographs, site plans, perspective sketches, and cross-sections, and providing illustrated design guidelines plus detailed model ordinance language, this beautiful 140 page report offers developers and planners creative ideas for new villages, hamlets, and subdivisions comprising a greener subset of the "New Urbanism".

An accompanying CD-ROM provides an electronic copy of the model ordinance language, plus dozens of color images illustrating various points of the regulations.

In addition to being relevant to those involved in developing suburban and rural sites, the material in this publication is potentially useful for raising the bar of design excellence in:

Ordering Information

To order copies of this book, please consult this link to the website of the American Planning

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